Legal research development
The Journal- "Legal Research Development ISSN: 2456-3870" is "Green" Open Access, Peer-Reviewed and Refereed. It is published by Welfare Universe. It has regular Quarterly frequency— SEPTEMBER, DECEMBER, MARCH, JUNE. This journal is exclusively dedicated to the scholarly studies of Jurisprudence Law, Human Rights and relevant discipline. The Journal welcomes original piece of own research work and un-published research papers/articles.
research ambition an international multidisciplinary e-journal
Research Ambition: An International Multidisciplinary e-Journal (ISSN:2456-0146) is "Green" Open Access, Peer-Reviewed and Refereed. It is published by Welfare Universe. It has regular Quarterly frequency— February, May, August, November. Research Articles from the fields of English Literature, Social Studies, Technical Studies, Medical and Healthcare studies, Gender Studies, Cultural Studies, Humanities and other disciplines of research are entertained. The journal is exclusively dedicated to the scholarly studies of new and existing literature of research work written in English.
The Journal Jai Maa Saraswati Gyandayni an International Multidisciplinary e-journal (ISSN 2454-8367) is "Green Open Access" and double blind Peer Reviewed e-Journal which is having the widest area of publishing research of all subjects at the International level. The journal is having a declared quarterly frequency of publication in each year i.e. January, April, July, and October. The journal is published regularly and in time in accordance with its the declared frequency. This journal is exclusively dedicated to the scholarly studies of new and existing literature of research work written in English and Hindi. The Journal welcomes original piece of own research work and un-published research papers/articles.
Research Inspiration, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India ISSN 2455-443x is Open Access, Indexed & Peer Reviewed e-Journal which is having the widest area of publishing research of all subjects at the International level. The journal is having a declared quarterly frequency of publication in each year i.e. January, April, July, and October. The journal is published regularly and in time in accordance with its the declared frequency. This journal is exclusively dedicated to the scholarly studies of new and existing literature of research work written in English and Hindi.